Your eyeglasses are some of the most important things you own. They help you see objects clearly so that you can navigate the world around you. Scratch on your glasses make it hard to see and conduct normal life. Although scratch are inevitable sometimes, you'll want to do what you can to avoid scratch on your glasses. These tips will help you prevent scratch that could make your glasses more difficult to use.
Keep your glasses on your face to avoid scratch the lenses. If you want to take your glasses off but keep them nearby, wear a chain around the stems (which are actually called the temples) and allow the glasses to scratch or dangle from your neck.
This way, the lenses will be touching your soft shirt instead of a hard surface.The temptation to remove scratch through glasses is especially strong for people who are new wearing glasses.
If you allow yourself to take your scratches glasses off frequently from the beginning, you may develop a life-long habit of removing them throughout the day.
Force yourself to wear new glasses all day long in the first few months that you own them. This will help you adjust to having them on your face. This way, keeping them on will become second nature to you.
You safe your glasses through scratches if you use glasses case. If you want to take off your glasses and leave them off for a while, use a glasses case to protect for a scratches.
Keep cases in convenient places like your desk at work, your night stand at home, and your purse, backpack, or handbag. This helps ensure you'll always have a case on hand when you need it. Ideally, the cases you use will be hard (not soft) in order to keep the glasses sufficiently protected for a scratches.
Clean Your Glasses Scratches With Professional Cleaner
One way that many people scratch the lenses of their glasses is by cleaning the glasses on their shirt or with an abrasive cloth. The best way to clean your glasses for a is by rubbing the lenses with a microfiber cloth designed specifically for this task.
You can also use a glasses cleaning solution made from dish washing liquid and water to spray the lenses before cleaning them with the cloth and safe for a scratch. This helps to remove smudges and hard-to-remove stains or spots.